Investment Policy

At Crimson Hawk Financial Group, the investment approach for early investing individuals to HNWIs to HENRYs is based on the principle that a customized golden rule of investing is achievable for every client.  Using our proprietary investment model and risk sensitive framework, we develop an investment policy and approach specific to each client based on risk-adjusted returns tailored to each client’s specific situation and time horizon.

After over 15 years in the professional investing world, the founder witnessed countless situations where clients were given investment advice that did not suit the client’s needs.  The reasons for this varied: investment advisor’s lack of knowledge, lack of appreciation or understanding of the client’s situation, improperly and ill-conceived investment restrictions (usually politically motivated) imposed by the firm, corporate groupthink that misguided investment decisions redounding negatively on client’s risk-adjusted returns and the low-cost pursuit of profits by cutting time spent on each investor to boost the firm’s bottom line while reducing the client’s wealth.  

At Crimson Hawk Financial Group, we entirely reject this notion of low-cost leadership and pursue a high-quality approach to our investment clients.  We take all the time necessary to develop the best investment approach and policy for each and every client.  We believe that if we put in all the hard work up-front to get the investment approach right, returns for decades into the future will be superior to our competitors.  

Customized Process

Before any investment is made, we make sure to understand each client’s investment goals, risk appetite, liquidity needs and many other factors.  We approach every client like they are part of our personal family. The initial process to gauging how to best construct a tailored investment policy for each client is one that we DO NOT rush.  We have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of our clients.  We want to not only develop the best investment approach for each client, but we want to make sure each client is 100% comfortable with the investment plan before the first investment trade is made.  We will conduct as many in person or remote meetings with each client as it takes to make sure the investment policy is perfectly bespoke to the client’s need. 

Service Oriented 

We are not the cheapest investment advisor on the market.  We believe that our investment approach is the golden standard in the industry.  We pride ourselves on our outstanding quality of service and our history of strong risk-adjusted returns for our clients.  When you reach out to the firm, you will not be speaking with a recent college graduate reading from a generic, unspecific script.  Nor will you be forced into a cookie-cutter, basic investment allocation approach.  Instead, you will be working directly with the founder who knows your specific story and will personally craft an investment approach that is perfectly suited for your situation.  You will not be re-directed to a large call center with a queue bank of operators but will be working with someone with deep financial and investment knowledge.  We will essentially be your own financial psychologist open to discussing any and all changes to your financial investment plan as facts on the ground change. 

Welcome to our team, you won’t regret it.